Pool Hours
Monday : Pool Closed for Cleaning
Thursdays & Fridays : 2 pm to 8 pm [Family Swim]
Saturdays & Sundays : 12 noon to 8 pm [Family Swim]
ADULT SWIM ONLY (must have a partner to swim) : Tuesdays to Sundays [6 am to 11 pm]
NEW LOWER PRICE!!! (NO pool access card renewal fee)
Adult: $15
Children: $10
Guests: $2 per visit. If planning on more than 5 visits, a season pass as above would be more cost effective.
Adult Swim: $30 year round pass
NO ICE CHEST - Because a few residents had snuck beer into the pool area last year, we can no longer allow ice chests inside pool area.
Pool Registration Form (new form available soon)